Hands-on Start to Wolfram MathematicaThis tutorial helps you get started with Mathematica-learn how to create your first notebook, run calculations, generate visualizations, create interactive models, analyze data, and more.
The first four tutorials are excellent for new users, and can be assigned to students as homework to learn Mathematica outside of class time.
Go to Wolfram|Alpha and click “Sign in” to access Wolfram|Alpha ProĪre you interested in putting Mathematica elsewhere? Please let IT or Andy Dorsett at Wolfram Research know.
Go to Mathematica Online and sign in to access Mathematica Online.
Fill out this form to request a home-use license from Wolfram.
Run the installer on your machine, and enter Activation Key at prompt.
Click “Get Downloads” and select “Download” next to your platform.
Click the “Product Summary page” link to access your license.
Fill out this form to request an Activation Key.
Check your email and click the link to validate your Wolfram ID.
Fill out form using a and click “Create Wolfram ID”.
For details, please contact Andy Dorsett at request Mathematica Desktop, Mathematica Online, and Wolfram|Alpha Pro, follow the directions below.
The Mathematica license at Haverford allows for grid computing on dedicated research clusters and in ad-hoc, or distributed, grid environments.
Mathematica is currently installed in the following locations: Computer labs Get access to Mathematica Desktop, Mathematica Online, and Wolfram|Alpha Pro